Nov. 14, Thursday
Nov. 15, Friday
Nov. 16, Saturday

Thursday, Nov. 14 - Experimental and Observational Constraints
All sessions in Madbury room unless otherwise noted.
9:00 Opening and Welcome- Dork Sahagian.
9:30 15-minute Presentations from experimentalists and compilation of constraints (plenary).
1. Laboratory determinations of parameter values.
2. Field observations of eruption parameters for output constraints.
Fred Anderson -
Pre-eruptive composition and
Mac Rutherford -
magma conditions and timing of pre-eruption events.
Don Dingwell - Rheology; fragmentation, thermal history.
Youxue Zhang -
modeling parameters: viscosity, solubility, diffusivity, fragmentation.
1/2 hr Coffee break.
Jim Gardner - Bubble nucleation in magmas.
Jessica Larsen -
results on bubble coalescence.
Maggie Mangan -
Experimental work on bubble nucleation, number density, and size distribution.
Matthias Hort -
Magma ascent
and eruption rates: Observational constraints.
12:30-1:30 LUNCH.
1:30 Remaining
parameters - e.g. surface tension; thermal diffusivity, eruption triggers,
2:00 Magmatic conditions necessary for models (recharge, geometry, etc.)
2:30 Discussion of parameter list and values.
Input from modelers regarding
appropriate parameterization.
Devise preliminary list of
parameters, conditions, and values to be used in models.
Compile table of parameter values and
1/2 hr Coffee break.
4:00 Discussion of critical processes (leader).
1. Bubble nucleation (Gardner).
2. Fragmentation (Dingwell).
5:30 Adjourn.
6:00-Evening in Portsmouth.

Friday, Nov. 15 - Models
9:00 15-minute descriptions of model intent, assumptions, capabilities, and example results.
Oded Navon -
Alex Proussevitch -
Helene Massol -
Cflow; Nuclascent.
Alex Starostin -
Kamchatka steady;
George Bergantz -
1/2 hr Coffee break.
Tak Koyaguchi -
WK-1; YK-1.
Larry Mastin -
Matthias Hort -
Ed Llewellin -
Karl Mitchell -
Juan Ramos - Magma-2D.
12:30-1:30 LUNCH.
Ed Gaffney -
Paolo Papale - Counduit4.
Augusto Neri -
Giovanni Macedonio -
Amanda Clarke -
1/2 hr Coffee break.
3:30 Discussion-
1. Magma transport formulations
2. Other critical processes (all).
3. Input from experimentalists
regarding model parameters (all).
4. Observational constraints
for model output (Hort).
5. Basis for comparison of numerical models (Sahagian).
5:30 Adjourn.
Free evening in Durham (working groups).

Saturday, Nov. 16 - Standard Protocol and Work Plan
8:30 Summary from each parameter "leader".
Finalize list of standard
input parameters, conditions, and values to be used in models.
9:30 Construction of suite of model runs.
Sensitivity studies (what
matters most, what can be neglected, what needs better constraints).
1/2 hr Coffee break.
Common modules library (e.g.
rheology, nucleation, fragmentation, hydrodynamics?).
Model output parameters (end
result of models as pertains to conduit flow and eruption).
Required for all models: e.g?
eruption velocity at vent; gas fraction; dissolved volatile content at vent...
First tier: e.g? temporal
evolution of conduit flow; duration of eruption, bubble size distribution...
Second tier: e.g? discharge
volume; conduit wall erosion...
Model output Format?
12:00-1:00 LUNCH.
1:00 Finalize model
protocol. Common tasks and outputs. Breadth of conceptual approaches.
Future lab experimental and
observational needs/opportunities.
1/2 hr Coffee break.
3:30 Working groups (upstairs, tavern, and other rooms).
1. Protocol document writing team
- write protocol, parameters list.
2. laboratory analog model
group - write up stategies to cover model parameter needs (input; validation)
3. Field observation task team
- write up potential observational constraints
4. model development planning
group(s) - share ideas on computational methods and tools.
5:00 Plenary in Coppers room and wrap up with refreshments.
Presentations from 4 working
6:30 Banquet in Maples Room.