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Volcanic Eruption Modeling People
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Relevant References
Name |
Institution |
Refs |
E-mail |
Modelers |
Starostin |
Moscow State Univ., Russia |
Refs |
starab@yandex.ru |
Oleg Melnik |
Moscow State Univ., Russia |
Refs |
melnik@imec.msu.ru |
Paolo Papale |
Refs |
papale@dst.unipi.it |
Giovanni Macedonio |
Observatorio Vesuviano, Italy |
Refs |
macedon@ov.ingv.it |
Augusto Neri |
Univ. Pisa, Italy |
Refs |
neri@dst.unipi.it |
Amanda Clarke |
Penn State Univ. |
Refs |
aclarke@geosc.psu.edu |
Oded Navon |
Hebrew Univ., Israel |
Refs |
oded.navon@huji.ac.il |
Helene Massol |
IPGP, Paris, France |
Refs |
hmassol@geol.u-psud.fr |
Larry Mastin |
Refs |
lgmastin@usgs.gov |
Dork Sahagian |
Refs |
dork.sahagian@unh.edu |
Alex Proussevitch |
Refs |
alex.proussevitch@unh.edu |
Jeff Johnson |
Refs |
jeff.johnson@unh.edu |
Takehiro Koyaguchi |
Univ. Tokyo, Japan |
Refs |
tak@eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp |
Juan Ramos |
Univ. Malaga, Spain |
Refs |
jirs@lcc.uma.es |
Ed Gaffney |
Los Alamos NL, USA |
Refs |
gaffney@lanl.gov |
Rick Rauenzahn |
Los Alamos NL, USA |
Refs |
rick@lanl.gov |
Karl Mitchell |
Lancaster Univ., UK |
Refs |
k.l.mitchell@lancaster.ac.uk |
George Bergantz |
Univ. Washington, USA |
Refs |
bergantz@u.washington.edu |
Ed Llewellin |
Univ. Bristol, UK |
Refs |
ed.llewellin@bris.ac.uk |
Claude Jaupart |
IPGP, Paris, France |
Refs |
cj@ccr.jussieu.fr |
Vergniolle |
IPGP, Paris, France |
Refs |
vergniolle@ipgp.jussieu.fr |
Lane, Steve |
Lancaster Univ., UK |
Refs |
s.lane@lancaster.ac.uk |
Heidi Mader |
Univ. Bristol, UK |
Refs |
H.M.Mader@bristol.ac.uk |
Michael Manga |
UC at Berkeley, USA |
Refs |
manga@seismo.berkeley.edu |
Steve Sparks |
Univ. Bristol, UK |
Refs |
steve.sparks@bristol.ac.uk |
Lionel Wilson |
Lancaster Univ., UK |
Refs |
L.Wilson@lancaster.ac.uk |
Ken Wohletz |
Los Alamos NL, USA |
Refs |
wohletz@lanl.gov |
Sebastien Dartevelle |
Los Alamos NL, USA |
Refs |
sdart@lanl.gov |
Antonio Costa |
Univ. Bristol, UK |
Refs |
a.costa@bristol.ac.uk |
Experimentalists |
Don Dingwell |
Univ. Bayreuth, Germany |
Refs |
dingwell@min.uni-muenchen.de |
Oliver Spieler |
Ludwig-M. Univ., Germany |
Refs |
spieler@lmu.de |
Fred Anderson |
Univ. Chicago USA |
Refs |
canderso@midway.uchicago.edu |
Jim Gardner |
Univ. Alaska, USA |
Refs |
gardner@gi.alaska.edu |
Jessica Larsen |
Univ. Alaska, USA |
Refs |
faust@gi.alaska.edu |
Margaret Mangan |
Refs |
mmangan@usgs.gov |
Matthias Hort |
GEOMAR, Germany |
Refs |
mhort@geomar.de |
Youxue Zhang |
Univ. Michigan, USA |
Refs |
youxue@umich.edu |
Mac Rutherford |
Brown Univ. USA |
Refs |
malcolm_rutherford@brown.edu |
Susan Kieffer |
Univ. of Illinois, USA |
Refs |
skieffer@uiuc.edu |
Alan Whittington |
Univ. of Missouri-Columbia |
Refs |
whittingtona@missouri.edu |
National Science Foundation |
Sonia Esperanca |
NSF, Washington, USA |
sesperan@nsf.gov |
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